Monday, May 1, 2017

God Made Me

by Whitney Jones

Did you know the retina of your eye has 130 million rod-shaped cells that are responsible for detecting light? Plus, your eye has 6 million cone-shaped cells that are just responsible for telling the difference between colors. Also, your eye can take in 50,000 messages at a time. That is like your eye getting 50,000 text messages all at the same time and being about to read and understand them all at once! I can’t even read 5 text messages at the same time!

If just one small part of you was made that complex just think how much time your Creator spent making each part of you. It’s difficult for us to wrap our minds around how we are uniquely wired and wonderfully made by God. But, God spent much devoted time to creating you, your spouse, and your children and we should praise Him daily for His work.

“You created the deepest parts of my being. You put me together inside my mother’s body. How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well.” Psalm 139:13-14.

Did you catch that? God knows us because He created us. He put you together piece by piece in a way that we could never do.  And David says our response should be to praise God, because we are wonderfully made!

In that same way that God created you, He created your kids too. He created them for a purpose. The way your child is wired is exactly how God designed them to be. Some of us have been so programmed to see what is wrong about our kids that we have forgotten how to see what is right about them.

How many of you have said this before, “I just wish my child would…..”? My statement would be, “I just wish my child would sit in the cart at the grocery store like the other kids”.  My one year old daughter is beautiful and wonderful and very strong willed! And for the first several months of her life I made the mistake of forgetting who God made her to be. He made her strong willed and independent for a reason. Yes it is hard right now when she refuses to listen to me but there will be a day when she will move mountains and fulfill God’s purpose for her life.  

Sometimes I need to be reminded of who created her and why she was created that way. When you remind yourself consistently that your kids are made in the image of God, it can change a lot of things. It can change how you see them, how they see themselves, and even how they see God.

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” Psalm 139:15-16.

God knew all of our days before we had our first day. He made you for a reason. He made your kids for a reason. He has a purpose for you and your stubborn teenager. God made us to trust Him, to follow Jesus, to help others, and to shine His light into this world. That’s a lot of big things. And we each are perfectly made for it.

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