Sunday, May 28, 2017

God Made Me to Shine

by Devin Dummel

We were all created differently.

Seems like a pretty simple observation doesn’t it?  In a world where disagreement seems normal one of the things we all can agree on, is that in so many ways we are very different.

I have two sons, and despite both having the same genetic material contributed they couldn’t be more different.  And while we didn’t have a clue what we were doing in raising our first son, we still don’t have much of an idea of what we are doing – so that eliminates the nurture debate.

I look at both of my sons, whom I love with all my heart, and think how could they be so different?  They are nearly opposite ends of every spectrum.  How does that happen when nature and nurture are so closely aligned?  What’s the purpose of all of our differences?

In Genesis there’s the story of the first time humans ever brought life into the world.  And if you’ve ever been in a delivery room, the moment a baby is born you know just how magical that moment truly is. 

After nine months of struggle, and countless hours of breathing exercises, and unbearable pain, Adam and Eve share the first of these magical life-giving moments.  The best part is we have Eve’s words and thoughts recorded for us:
“With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man” (Genesis 4:1b)

Adam and Eve understood that God was involved in the process of bringing life into His world.  They knew what I have come to understand; that God divinely gifts us our differences making us in His image and creates a beautiful landscape of individuals.

Just knowing this truth is astonishing.  It’s incredible. 

But what is the purpose?  Why is it better for us to have different gifts, skills and aspirations?  What’s the value in different personalities and natural qualities that we each possess?

Another way to think about it is, why did God make my kids so different?
God has put His divine light – part of His image – in each of us.  And through our unique make up, gifts, passions, and calling we are able to shine that light into the world.

God made you to shine.

God made us all to shine, to take His light into all the dark places in the world.  Jesus said:  “Let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
This is why God has made each person special.

He made us to shine, the question becomes how can we help our children discover how they can best shine God’s light?

How can we encourage them to be all that God made them to be, and to understand that God made them uniquely for a purpose?  It’s up to us to empower them and encourage them.

It’s our job to help them discover God’s light in them.

It’s our responsibility to bring forth the light and life in them, because God made them to shine.

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