Monday, January 29, 2018


by Desi Ash

Yesterday we got to celebrate both baby dedications and baptisms and it was a beautiful service. As I sit here and reflect on Sunday morning it reminds me of what Heaven will be like; a room full of witnesses supporting and loving each other, singing His praises.  

As Michael said during service, we want to partner with you. We believe that the church is designed to partner with parents as they raise their children in faith. As such, we have created milestone events that provide tools and support for parents. These tools will help parents start key conversations about God and faith as their children transition into different life phases. 

The milestones we offer are: 

  •        Baby: We want to celebrate the gift that God has blessed you with from the beginning! It is never too early in the life of a child to start sharing God's word. There are 936 weeks until your new baby graduates high school and we want you to be present in all of the phases and milestones your child goes through. 
  •        Kindergarten Kickup: The transition into kindergarten is an important milestone for both child and parent.  We have designed an annual milestone event called "Kindergarten Kick-up", which is offered before the start of a new school year.The "Kick-up" is specifically tailored for this age group and will help them discover more about their faith.  At the event, families will experience multiple hands-on learning stations that will teach about key topics relevant to this life stage.  Topics like:  grace, truth, forgiveness and more.  
  •        Kids Splash: Kidz Splash is a tool that PCC has developed to come alongside parents as they help their children understand and process the decision to follow Jesus and to be baptized. We have books available and we offer a class for parents and kids quarterly. 
  •        Bible Milestone: The Bible Milestone is a two year class offered to 4th and 5th graders on Sunday mornings. During this class preteens will discover the overarching story of the Bible and dig deeper into each book of the Bible. The class involves an opening activity, a lesson, and time for preteens to think individually on what they just learned. Each week we provide questions and activities through the website and app for preteens to engage in the lesson on their own and with their parents.
  •        Graduation: At the end of the school year we recognize our graduating seniors. During the recognition we reflect back 936 weeks ago and see the baby God blessed parents with and see how they have grown over the last 18 or so years. 

We know that parenting and raising kids is hard work. Help us help you. We are all just a phone call or an email away.  

Monday, January 22, 2018

Reservations About Resolutions

by Devin Dummel

By now you have likely spent a least a few minutes in the new year thinking about resolutions.  Maybe you read a blog, made a list, or responded to the question – what is one of your New Year’s resolutions? 

Every year we ask ourselves these types of questions.  We set goals and make plans.  But the reality is that while we’re all good at making New Year’s resolutions; we’re just not very good about keeping the resolutions. 

Last year, two out of three Americans made New Year’s resolutions, but just one month into the year 90% of resolution-setters already admitted they were struggling to keep them. 

So this year, instead of making resolutions, what if in order to become a better version of ourselves we started making reservations. 

What if this year instead adding items to a list – you added items to your calendar.   What if instead of checking off a list, you decided to make time and show up for the things that matter most; the things that could help you be the best version of yourself this year. 

Here are some reservations I think we could all add to our calendars this year: 

Reservations for God 

In the midst of the chaotic lives that we lead, we often forget that the best way to become the best version of ourselves is to be who our creator made us to be.  It’s impossible to know that, understand it or live it if we don’t spend time with Him.   

You could set aside time daily to spend in the scriptures and prayer.  Maybe you take a half day a week to get alone and get personal with your Heavenly Father.  There is not one way to spend time with God; so whatever you do make sure you add this reservation to your calendar, and make sure you show up. 

Reservations for your Spouse 

There is no relationship that matters more to your daily health and the health of your family than the relationship with your spouse.  It’s easy to get comfortable and let your relationship with your spouse suffer.  But it’s important to give your spouse undivided attention – don’t let anything else distract you.   

Use this time to meet the needs of your spouse and find connection and companionship.  Make sure you set aside time for just each other.  Find a sitter, get out and pour into your relationship.  You might feel like you are taking away from family time, but when you make reservations for your marriage – your family benefits the most. 

Reservations for Yourself 

Take time to “do you”.  If you spent all of your time trying to make your boss, spouse and kids happy – it’s very easy to lose sight of who you are.  And when that happens you are more vulnerable than you realize.

You don’t have to do it often.  It doesn’t have to be a huge deal.  But take some time to do something you want to do.  You can make reservations for yourself.  Go to a movie only you want to see.  Spend an evening out with your friends.  Go on a trip you’ve always wanted to take.  Whatever it is – this year make reservations for you. 

Our prayer for you and your family this year is that you would make more reservations than resolutions.  Add these appointments to your calendar, and adjust your rhythm and schedule this year. 

Make time for the things that matter and know that when you do that, so many other things will fall into place.  And your family will be healthier and happier than you’ve ever been.

Monday, January 15, 2018

He Goes Before Me

by Desi Ash

Starting the New Year off on the right foot can be difficult. We set ourselves up for what we want to accomplish and think about how we can become better people.
It all sounds good until we get back into the routine of work and taking care of our families and all the events on the calendar.

Before we know it the things we wanted to accomplish fade away. But, there is no need to worry. Life gets busy and seasons of hardship come and go. Through it all God is right there with us. 

Deuteronomy 31:8 says The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

God is there. God is there when your teenager doesn’t understand why he has to be home before curfew. God is there when your baby won’t stop crying regardless of what you try. God is there when your preteen wants to do everything on their own even if it means making things harder in the long run. And God is there when you feel lonely and want to give up.

Start this New Year off knowing that there will be hard times and that the goals or resolutions or reservations we have set for ourselves might get left behind in the journey of life. Regardless of all of that, you are not alone. God is with us.


When you do fall behind, and statistically maybe you already have, it’s okay. Pick up where you left off. Take comfort in knowing that God is already going ahead of you. 

God is not finished with you or your family yet!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Three Big Things

by Devin Dummel

I wouldn’t call myself a hoarder, although you’ll probably find that in my world I hang on to more than I should.    I’m a collector of sorts and I have a hard time just holding onto one thing.  There are so many things that I enjoy, and many things I plan on doing.   I figure I can hold onto all of it because one day I will get around to it.

Because of this desire to hold on to too much, I often try to fill my life with too much as well.  Too many meetings.  Too many obligations.  From one promise to the next, there are times where it feels like there is little time to breathe, let alone any time to do the things that are best for me.

If you are anything like me and find yourself overworked and overwhelmed even at this early stage of the New Year, I would like to share with you something I recently read which has started to change the way I think and feel about this new year.

“I can only do three big things in a year.  That’s it.  Just three.”   -Donald Miller

This simple statement has really changed the way that I am looking at my life in the context of a new year.  I’ve never been the kind of person who struggles with doing things or even doing things that I believe are worth doing.  But I’ve had lots of trouble trying to do too much, and trying to be too many things to too many people.

I thought that was just part of becoming an adult, gaining more responsibility and that I would be able to handle it.  But the reality is – I struggle to handle it all.  And the truth that I have come to discover is that I can only handle so much.

So this year I am going to take Donald Miller’s advice.  I am going to focus on accomplishing three big things this year … and that’s it.  I’m not going to allow every good idea to sway me and pull me away from the three big things I believe God wants me to pour myself into this year.

Warren Buffet said, “The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”
Knowing that helps me understand that if I want my three big things to succeed this year, then I need to stay focused and it’s okay to say no to almost everything else that won’t help me accomplish those three big goals.

Your three big things could be absolutely anything.  It could be something fun like planning a family vacation or something huge like going back to school.  It could be work related or even something crucial like learning parenting skills to deal with your teenager.

Whatever you decide on, I would encourage you to pray about what you think God would have you pour your time and energy into.  Once you’ve settled on the three big things you want to accomplish this year, share them with your family and ask them to help you stay focused.  Don’t feel bad saying no to some good things in order to accomplish your three big goals. There is no shame in staying focused on the things you believe God wants you to achieve.

If you’re like me and always feeling like your running from one thing to the next, feeling like you can never quite get accomplished all that you hoped to accomplish.  I want to encourage you this year to only tackle three big things.  

That’s it.  Just three.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Redefining Your Year

by Whitney Jones

Around this time each year, everyone begins thinking about a fresh start. We want to focus on things to change about our lives, and often the New Year provides a perfect time to do it.

But what if instead of focusing on change, we changed our focus.

It’s amazing how much can change when we choose to view our lives through a different lens.

This year our family is choosing to define our year through the lens of a theme verse from the Bible.

A theme verse is a Bible verse that your family prays about and decides together. This verse will guide your family through the challenging times and allow you to be thankful for the good times of this year. It will allow your family to keep your focus on what really matters for this new year ahead.

Why not start the year off with a theme verse for your family.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” –Hebrews 12:1

We established this to be our family verse for 2018 because it seems like we have a marathon of a year ahead of us. And we will not be able to finish this marathon of 2018 if we don’t have our focus on Jesus at the finish line.

Like I said, 2018 is going to be like running a marathon for our family. It’s going to be difficult at times, a daily challenge and rewarding in the end. We are probably going to experience the terrible two's along with potty training and our teenager will be entering high school in the fall. Both of these milestones will bring difficulties and in the end we will look back and laugh.

Our family is very excited about these next milestones that we will journey through. However, we could not run this marathon of 2018 if our eyes are not fixed on our loving Father to get us through.

So what will be your family’s theme verse for 2018? You might be thinking…I have no idea. How do I choose? Here are a few tips to get to get you started:

Think about the year ahead:

-         What is your family most excited about this year?

-         What are some challenges your family might face this year?

-         What does your family stand for?

-         If your family could ask God to do anything this year, it would be…
Look back at your answers and choose a topic you want to focus on this year. Ask God which one is His specific topic for your family. Pray and seek God’s direction on which verse is right for your family. Choose a theme verse and commit it to memory. Maybe put the verse up in your house to be a reminder each day to keep your focus. Make it a fresh start by choosing a theme verse for your family.