Monday, March 20, 2017

March Madness: Responsibility

By Whitney Jones

I think almost all parents would say that one of the traits they would like their child to have now and when they become an adult is “to be responsible.” This is a broad term that can mean many different things. It can mean, being dependable so people know they can count on you or being a contributing member of your family. 

It can mean, being accountable for your own behavior and doing something to the best of your ability. Being responsible is a key to children’s success both now and when they grow up. So how can you as a parent make your child more responsible?

Give your child “meaningful to them” tasks. Allow them to make dinner for the family once a week so they feel they have done something important for the whole family. Or allow them to take responsibility for the family pet. As a parent you might have to give up some control in order for your child to be able to take full responsibility for that task. However, allowing a child to “do it their way” will encourage a feeling of pride and foster a sense of responsibility.

Children with high self-esteem tend to be more responsible. One way that parents can instill a high self-esteem in their child is by providing messages that build their self-esteem. Children feel a sense of worth, when they feel appreciated and loved for who they are. So tell your children daily that you love them unconditionally for who God has created them to be.

Children feel capable to do tasks when they have a sense of power and control over their lives. When children feel capable, they are more likely to try their hardest and feel good about what they do. You can increase your child’s sense of responsibility by helping them to feel that they are capable by telling them, “Thank you so much for taking out the trash. That helped me out a lot this evening.”

Lastly, parents need to lead by example and share truth from the Bible with their children. Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

We should show our kids and teach our kids to do everything as if we are doing it for the Lord. Whether it’s taking the dog out or making dinner for the family, we should do these tasks without complaining and treat it as an act of service to God. 

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