Monday, January 4, 2016

Reservations About Resolutions

by Devin Dummel
By now you have likely spent a least a few minutes in the new year thinking about resolutions.  Maybe you read a blog, made a list, or responded to the question – what is one of your New Year’s resolutions? 

Every year we ask ourselves these types of questions.  We set goals and make plans.  But the reality is that while we’re all good at making New Year’s resolutions; we’re just not very good about keeping the resolutions. 

Last year, two out of three Americans made New Year’s resolutions, but just one month into the year 90% of resolution-setters already admitted they were struggling to keep them. 

So this year, instead of making resolutions, what if in order to become a better version of ourselves we started making reservations. 

What if this year instead adding items to a list – you added items to your calendar.   What if instead of checking off a list, you decided to make time and show up for the things that matter most; the things that could help you be the best version of yourself this year. 

Here are some reservations I think we could all add to our calendars this year: 

Reservations for God 

In the midst of the chaotic lives that we lead, we often forget that the best way to become the best version of ourselves is to be who our creator made us to be.  It’s impossible to know that, understand it or live it if we don’t spend time with Him.   

You could set aside time daily to spend in the scriptures and prayer.  Maybe you take a half day a week to get alone and get personal with your Heavenly Father.  There is not one way to spend time with God; so whatever you do make sure you add this reservation to your calendar, and make sure you show up. 

Reservations for your Spouse 

There is no relationship that matters more to your daily health and the health of your family than the relationship with your spouse.  It’s easy to get comfortable and let your relationship with your spouse suffer.  But it’s important to give your spouse undivided attention – don’t let anything else distract you.   

Use this time to meet the needs of your spouse and find connection and companionship.  Make sure you set aside time for just each other.  Find a sitter, get out and pour into your relationship.  You might feel like you are taking away from family time, but when you make reservations for your marriage – your family benefits the most. 

Reservations for Yourself 

Take time to “do you”.  If you spent all of your time trying to make your boss, spouse and kids happy – it’s very easy to lose sight of who you are.  And when that happens you are more vulnerable than you realize.
You don’t have to do it often.  It doesn’t have to be a huge deal.  But take some time to do something you want to do.  You can make reservations for yourself.  Go to a movie only you want to see.  Spend an evening out with your friends.  Go on a trip you’ve always wanted to take.  Whatever it is – this year make reservations for you. 

Our prayer for you and your family this year is that you would make more reservations than resolutions.  Add these appointments to your calendar, and adjust your rhythm and schedule this year. 

Make time for the things that matter and know that when you do that, so many other things will fall into place.  And your family will be healthier and happier than you’ve ever been.

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