Monday, July 11, 2016

Freedom: In Christ

by Desi Ash

According to the Bill of Rights we have the Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, to Bear Arms, to Vote, and many other laws grant use freedoms that many people outside of America desperately long for and we take for granted.

Sometimes when I hear the word freedom, I think that I am not really free. There are chains that keep me bound; money, the past, or the expectations I have for myself.

What are you chained or bound to?

Is it your job, your doubt, your insecurity, lust, lying, your feelings of brokenness, or striving for perfection?

We all have things that we feel bound to that we need to let go of.

Jesus has done just that. When Jesus died on the cross, He set us free. He broke the chains that we are bound to.

That freedom allows us to go and live a life of joy, to live the life God has in store for us. Jesus calls for us to leave those chains, those burdens aside in Matthew 28 (The Message)

 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

This passage is calming and makes me think of peace and freedom. It reminds us that we don’t need to continue to live as people who are bound and chained. We can live in the freedom that Jesus gave us. To remove those chains:

·        Pray that God will loosen the grip they have on you

·        Share this burden with a trusted friend and let him/her hold you accountable

·        Fill in the holes with God. Spend time in the Bible, worship through music, pray prayers of adoration and confession

·        Focus on your relationship with God

Sometimes we are bound with chains that are so tight they are cutting off the circulation. Those chains can take time to break free. Don’t give up. God has great plans for you and living in the freedom Christ gives us is worth it.

God is in the business of setting His people free. Let God work in your life. Let God set you free.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Freedom: In God We Trust

1,354, 664 and counting.

Let me state that again, one million three hundred fifty four thousand, six hundred sixty four and counting.  That’s how many people have died in the history of our country to ensure that you and I are able to live free.

When you think of today, your thoughts shouldn’t just be about fireworks and foot-longs, it should be about the unbelievable price that has been paid so that you are able to be free.  When you think about what we are celebrating every year on July 4th – and you try to fathom that unbelievable number it’s truly humbling.

It is compelling.  It makes you realize that all too often you take your freedoms and liberties for granted.  When you think about that number it makes you want to honor the sacrifice that was made by making sure you respect and appreciate all the freedom that you are able to enjoy today.

It makes you want to live a different life.  When you think of that number – it makes you want to live like someone died for you.  Because they did.  I mean obviously they fought for their own liberties and the freedoms of those they loved.  But they also fought to protect the same rights for you and I. 

So what you have, what you enjoy in this life, really isn’t because of you.  Someone else paid the price and you get to enjoy it.  Someone else did the heavy lifting and the hard work and we get to benefit from it.  We should live a life that reflects that truth.

You may not realize this and you may not live by it – but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.  You owe so much of your life to someone else – someone who paid the ultimate price.

But it isn’t just all of the brave men and women who were charged with and chose to fight for our freedoms that you and I owe.  The question isn’t if someone died for you would you live a life worth saving.  Because the reality is – someone has died for you and paid and enormous price for you.

“He (Jesus) died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves.  Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raise for them.”  - 2 Corinthians 5:15

So while you celebrate this week,  that we live in an amazing land of opportunity and take time to appreciate the freedoms we have and remember all of those amazing men and women who so selflessly provided  you and I the freedom we have – do not forget that an enormous price was paid for you.  It wasn’t just paid in defense of our freedoms but it was paid at your expense for eternity.

It’s all too easy to place our trust in so many things – our jobs, our families, our money, our success, our own ingenuity, our power or strength, and even at times our country. And while those things at times can provide us with stability we must remember what the builders and shapers of our nation recognized and declared.

It is “in God We Trust”.