Sunday, February 5, 2017

Wonder, Discovery, Passion

by Desi Ash

Just today I wondered about swollen vocal chords, discovered that not all Hobby Lobby’s look the same, and was passionate about crossing things off of my to do list.
Everyone wonders. Everyone discovers. Everyone is passionate.

What have you recently wonder about, discovered, and been passionate about?
Here at Pendleton Christian Church the Next Generation Team use wonder, discovery, and passion and let those elements help our kids seek a deeper connection with God.

As our kids grow up they enter and exit different phases. From birth to graduation kids are growing, learning, and experience life in unique ways.

At different phases kids experience wonder, discovery, and passion differently. Wonder is strongest amongst the preschool phase. Preschoolers live in a world full of wonder and imagination. They can easily make a simple cardboard box into a boat or airplane and begin exploring world’s miles away from home. We take the time to repeat stories and let our preschoolers use their imagination to put themselves into the story. Kids in the preschool phase are able to use this imagination and incite wonder about their Creator.

Discovery is highest amongst the elementary and Jr high phase. Elementary kids are combining wonder with discovery to search for answers. Our preteens discover the Bible on Sundays during the Bible Milestone. They are learning how to use their Bibles and how the stories are connected.  Jr high kids are blending wonder, discovery, and passion to solve problems. They are quick to point out problems and even quicker with a solution to said problem. During Adventure Camp we challenge the kids to solve problems the way God would want problems solved.  Elementary and jr high kids are provoking discovery with their relationship with God and wrestling with their identity being determined by Christ or something else.

Passion is strongest amongst kids in the high school phase. High school kids are searching for meaning and passion to discover their place in the world. They are looking for freedom to make their own decisions, trying to figure out what they have to offer and places to try out their skills. It’s great to see our high school kids serving Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights and seeing them using their gifts from sports to singing to just loving kids.

As our kids grow we want to be able to incite wonder, provoke discover, and fuel passion.

“What if children grew up amazed with the WONDER of their heavenly Father and how much He loves them? What if they understood God is big enough to handle whatever they will face in life?”

“What if children were provoked to pursue a lifestyle of DISCOVERY, where their identity is determined by a personal relationship with Christ and they are guided by His Spirit?”

“What if kids developed a sense of passion that mobilized them to do what Jesus did on earth? What if they understood they are designed to personally participate in God’s story to show His redemptive plan to every generation?” (Excerpt from Think Orange.)

When our kids are able to add wonder, discovery, and passion, into their relationship with God, they form a deeper connection with God that will last them a lifetime. 

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