Sunday, May 15, 2016

Finish Strong: Grateful

by Desi Ash

It can be really easy to be stuck in the routine. May is a busy month. The school year is ending, schedules for summer are either filled or almost maxed out, and the to-do list is longer than ever. During this time do you find yourself being grateful?

For me, it’s not the first response. My first response is to feel exhausted, worn out and ready for a new pace.

I was reminded last week at re:mix, the preteen ministry of PCC, that I need to take time to be grateful for the things going on around me, to not just aimlessly go through the year, being grateful only at thanksgiving.

Between finishing the school year, prepping for summer events, and trying to plan a trip back to my hometown, I have overlooked many things.

I have overlooked

o   How awesome the preteens at PCC are and how much they have grown this school year.

o   How much fun I get to have working with a best friend

o   How God has worked through PCC

o   How much I continue to personally grow and mature

And the list goes on. If we aren’t careful we will miss the moment, we will miss being able to thank God, and we will miss seeing God at work around us.

The Apostle Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 9:26a

            Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly;

Running aimlessly. Running without purpose. For me this looks like not sleeping because I am worried about tomorrow or so focused on the project being complete that I miss the growth happening in the moment. What does running aimlessly look like for you? What are you missing because your purpose is not set?

Running aimlessly isn’t going to get us far. We will burnout and lose energy. And the same is true day to day. If we don’t take the time to be grateful, to count our blessings we will burnout and lose sight of God.

When we are grateful our perspective completely changes. I recently saw a quote that read “Don’t let a bad moment ruin your day. Think of it as a bad minute, not a bad day and you’ll be okay”. By changing your perspective on that one moment your perspective changes for the day.

The same is true when we take time to be grateful. Instead of being negative or caught up in the to-do list, look around and see the positive, how God is working.

God hasn’t stopped showing up; we might just be wandering aimlessly and missing it. Pause this week and spend time being grateful. Let the gratitude change your perspective so you can finish strong.


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