Monday, October 5, 2015

Numbering Our Days: 4 Ways to Make the Most of Every Moment

 If you have children then you know what they say is true.  “Time flies”. 

One day you are holding your bundle of joy in a hospital room, the next you are celebrating a birthday, graduation, or wedding. 

And in those moments when you take the brief opportunity to pause you wonder, “where did the time go?”

The one fleeting thing is this life is time.  You can do many things to gain more of what’s valuable.  You can work harder, dedicate yourself, and sacrifice more.  But the one thing you can’t get more of is time.

It’s limited.  It’s finite.  You have it … and then you don’t.

The struggle is trying to make sure you don’t miss the important moments.  Because once they’re gone, you can never get them back.

I came across Psalm 90:12 a few months ago, and it’s a scripture that has stuck with me and has become a sort of mantra for our family.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”  (NASB)

“Teach us to number our days” … what a wise request.  This is prayer that we all could get behind and make part of our daily and weekly prayers.   God teach us to make each day count.  God teach us to number our days.

As I have thought more about this verse I’ve been convicted of how much of life I miss – of how many days I’ve forgotten to number and now they are lost … frozen in time.  I am unable to get them back, and so I am motivated to make each day I have with my family, with my ministry, in this life count.

Here are some ideas to help you if you are struggling to number your days:

1.              Commit to Reminders

It’s hard for me to remember everything that I want to.  Even in my work life I ask people to e-mail or text me so that I don’t forget.  I have lists upon lists on my desk.  I even use two whiteboards to keep track of all of the plates that I have to spin.  These tools serve as reminders for me at work so why not develop and commit to tools to help me remember more important things.

I’m a very visual person – so our reminders are marbles.  I have a couple of jars of marbles that are very important to me.  The two I have at home represent both of my boys.  In each jar is the same number of marbles as there are weeks until their next birthday.  Each week I take one marble out from each jar to remind myself to number my days.  I carry these marbles in my pocket all week.  Every time I reach in my pocket for my keys, for cash, for a pen … I also touch those marbles and it reminds me of the most important part of my day.

Your reminder doesn’t have to be marbles.  It could be a strategically placed note.  It could be photos it key places.  Whatever it is, I encourage you to find a good reminder for you, and commit to it.  Allow that reminder to be a trigger point for you to number your days.

2.              Make Work Wait.

All too often I find myself asking my family to wait because of work.  I convince myself that I’m needed and the deadlines are important and that in the end it’s for them anyways.  But the truth is sometimes work just needs to wait.   The clients will be there in the morning.  The paperwork won’t mind waiting until the next day.  If you want to be a person who is wise and who numbers their days, then somewhere you need to draw a boundary and say to work – “Sorry, you are just going to have to wait.”

3.             Become a Hands Free Home

Technology is an important part of our culture.  And technology is awesome.  Cars that drive themselves, paying for things with your cell phone, and Taco Bell delivery … let’s be honest technology is pretty impressive.  But there is a dark side to all of this technology and I think most of us are at least aware of it.

While we think we are using technology to connect with the world in better ways – what we are really doing is disconnecting from the people that matter the most to us.  While we can see what our high school and college buddies had for dinner we forget that our children are sitting across from us at the dinner table waiting for us to be with them.

It seems in an effort to always be connected we always have something in our hands.  I want to challenge you to make your home a “Hands Free Home”.  When you come home set down the phone, iPad, computer and remote.  Find a basket and have everyone put their phones in it until your time as a family is done for the evening.  Take away the distractions and allow your family to enjoy each moment.


4.             Appreciate the Beauty of a Moment

Each moment is beautiful, even the mundane moments.  We forget this truth that there is beauty in each and every moment.  We let our mind wander to other things, responsibilities, projects, desires and in the process miss what is happening right in front of us.

Here’s an example:  I love football.  Every little nuance about it is interesting to me from blocking, to play calling to coverages.  I can watch every second of every game on the weekend and just be totally content.  The other day I was watching football, totally engrossed in it when my three-year-old started asking me questions.

“Are those the Chiefs?”  “Are they talking about the Quarterback?”  “Who are the red ones?”  “Why are they wrestling?”  “What are they trying to do?”

If you have ever been around a three-year-old then you understand how these rapid fire questions come at you and you feel like there is no end.  And you feel like every answer you give leads to another dreaded question …. “Why?”. And while my son was hammering me with question after question, I started to get a little flustered.   But then I saw the beauty of the moment.
All I wanted to do was watch football.  But then I realized he was getting into it.  He was remembering things we talked about weeks ago.  He wanted to know who to cheer for and who to cheer against.  He wanted to be like daddy and spend time doing what daddy wanted to do.  It was a beautiful moment, maybe the best moment of my weekend.  And I’m so glad I didn’t miss it.
Make sure you are capturing the beauty of each moment … you only get a handful of them.  You never know if you will ever get the same chance again.


I’m so glad that as a family we have started to number our days.  It’s not an easy thing to do, but I believe it’s totally worth doing.  I feel like we have a new appreciation for life and all of the things that God has blessed us with.  And so I know that I’m going to commit to having marbles in my pockets, making work wait, being a hands free home, and trying to appreciate the beauty of every moment.  It’s my prayer that you will be able to do the same.

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